Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bouncer of the Month

Floorman, actually. Bouncer and floorman are two different things, in case you were wondering. I wasn’t wondering. But was politely informed of the difference this weekend – and floorman is to bouncer as Steel is to Sushi on McKinney. But for the purpose of this coveted award, majority title around town rules.

Meet Bobby. Mr. December. Our beloved floorman of the month. Bobby is good at what he does. Bobby is typically stationed at the back of our favorite local spot guarding the VIP basement entry and exit. Bobby also dabbles in kicking douchebags out after 2am as they begin to fall all over the place and give me bruises while fighting over A) Whose shirt is tighter or B) Which fugly will be accompanying each home.

Bobby knows all and sees all. Bobby has cat-like reflexes and the ability to see intricate details from many yards away. Bobby is also very good at convincing the ladies that no one important is downstairs. His wink is quite deadly.

Bobby looks fabulous in a suit, and probably better without. Bobby can escort two $30,000 millionaires out the door at the same time with just one arm. Bobby, simply put, has every skill one might ever want in a bouncer or floorman of the month.

The only thing in all of Dallas Bobby doesn’t have that he should… is my number.

Rock on, Bobby. Rock on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bobby is my fav too! so cute.